Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A chance encounter or just destiny? Part.1

Mademoiselle L current situation is clear: she is fed up with her professional career as an employee in a real estate agency… When you start waking each morning, and keep delaying your alarm clock, arriving right on time and leaving at 6.30pm sharp: the signs are obvious, you need to quit! But it is not an easy decision to make…
No husband, no kids, young and full of dreams, Mademoiselle L decided to look at this damn crisis right in the eyes and make a decision for herself. She decided to stop being miserable and look after her happiness and future. She started looking for a new job!
She sent emails to her whole network: friends, professional contacts, online business networks and so forth… Oh and I also forgot the usual procedure: applying and preparing for DOZENS of interviews!
Few weeks later, Mademoiselle L started to receive applications answers, mostly negative due to her lack of experience in the field she wanted to settle in… The funny thing about experience is that you need to be employed in a company first in order to build it!
Mademoiselle L became grumpy, depressed and sad, thinking she was going to be stuck in a field she wanted to leave….  One day, while checking out her emails, she saw a mail of a business contact. The message specified that Mademoiselle A was in MIAMI, running a business and was looking for a person who would be in charge of marketing, communication and business development.
Is it a chance encounter or destiny? Whatever it is, this message was the beginning of a wonderful story.

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